Sunday, 20 January 2013

Social Media and the Law

A great article on employment law and social media.  Published on

With social media increasingly pervading our lives, Jonathan Exten-Wright looks at some of the legal challenges.

New kind of job search
Employers and recruitment agencies are able to search for potential candidates through LinkedIn's search engine. They are then able to potentially view not only an individual's expertise and skills, but also any recommendations they may have. LinkedIn recommendations are references one site user has given to another on the basis of their working relationship. Those making recommendations need to be sure they are authorised to do so and that the content is accurate, otherwise a disappointed employer could argue they had relied on a misrepresentation and sue accordingly. Individuals can also say on their profile page whether or not they are amenable to being contacted about career opportunities.
But there is a flip-side to the benefits LinkedIn.....
The shifting sands of social media and the law - 12/10/2012 - Personnel Today

Defamation Law Employees

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