Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Business Reputation and Social Media Management (Part 1)

Social Media Lawyers: Business Reputation and Social Media Management (Part 1)

On the internet, bad reputation both stinks and sticks. Once a customer's bad experience becomes viral, traces of it might follow your organisation for years to come, and the story might be resurrected just when you feel that it has gone away forever more.
Business reputation  - social media lawyers advice
Ensure that you act quickly and sensibly if you find yourself being defamed online.
Five, six or ten years ago, companies that delivered  terrible customer experience could have perhaps be forgiven for not realising that the internet had the tendency of tattooing certain stories in the minds of millions of people who will in turn never forgive or forget.

Today however, there is no longer an excuse for delivering bad customer service or for ignoring customers' concerns about the way they are being treated. Time is clearly not on the organisation's side. Stories of bad customer experiences will simply not go away. In fact they are more likely to be inflamed and inflated as time goes by with constant flow of new contributors who seek their own final retribution in retaliation for not being taken notice of.

A classic story (still on-going after almost 8 years), tells us how bad reputation management can stay with a company.

The story tells gives us a great place to start when considering our approach to forming social media compatible reputation management strategies.

Read the full Dell Hell article here.

Read part 2 of the Business Reputation Management and Social Media series.
Read part 3 of the Business Reputation Management and Social Media series.
Read part 4 of the Business Reputation Management and Social Media series.
Read part 5 of the Business Reputation Management and Social Media series.

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