Friday, 24 November 2017

Right to be forgotten

It seems, for many, an application to Google under a right to be forgotten is simply a matter of filling out a form, which represents the only chance they will ever have to get rid of unwanted information on the internet. There might never be another such opportunity so it's important to not mess it up. 

Right to be Forgotten
Unfortunately, so  many right to be forgotten applications are refused because the applicant has failed to appreciate that they had to refer Google to the right law or because the
application was being misunderstood by Google's content moderators, who when in doubt, are instructed by their boss to  say “no”. 

right to be forgotten submission
Right to be Forgotten submission
If the applicant is unsuccessful at this stage; they
may request that Google reviews its decision; alternatively they may
complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office or seek a court order
requiring Google to filter search engine results, all of which are

likely to involve incurring further costs. Find out how to get your right to be forgotten submission right first time round. We have written a short guidance to help you complete your right to be forgotten document correctly. Read more here:

How to make a successful right to be forgotten application

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